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Recent business cases
#Nudge #CSR #B2C
The challenge
Encourage the sorting of waste from products consumed on the go.
Why MUTATIO to answer it?
If sorting your waste is easy at home, the task is more difficult when consumption takes place outside the home. How to encourage sorting, when sorting bins are rare or non-existent and the temptation is strong to get rid of waste in the first bin that comes along or, worse, in nature?
What has been implemented
- Observations carried out in situ, in immersion on the places of consumption.
- Interviews in the form of semi-structured interviews.
- Identification of factors of change and avenues for concrete and embodied actions.
- Activation workshop to lead to real actions.
#Nudge #Upcycling
The challenge
Make sure that the French integrate the reflex of having their damaged clothes repaired to extend their lifespan.
Why MUTATIO to answer it?
With the implementation of the "repair bonus", part of the expense incurred to have your clothes repaired (textiles, accessories, shoes) is covered by an eco-organization, if the repair takes place with an approved professional. Nevertheless - despite this incentivesfinancial - reluctance and friction persist: won't finding an approved craftsman be more restrictive than expected? am I sure of making a good operation over time vs the temptation to repurchase new?
What has been implemented
- Identification of the biases and frictions at stake following a qualitative exploration (study)
- Recommendations for concrete courses of action according to the different profiles of individuals
#Nudge #Retail #Packaging
The challenge
Convince consumers to choose a range of products whose packaging is better for the planet, although this one values the product contained less.
Why MUTATIO to answer it?
Changing your packaging to make it more virtuous is a decision that often comes with a counterpart in terms of aesthetics or visual reassurance (eg opaque packaging) vs plastic. There is a strong risk that the consumer will turn away from the offer. How to reassure and support consumers to overcome their reluctance and make the right choice for the planet?
What has been implemented
- Observations made in situ, immersed in the place of sale
- Identification of biases and nudges able to leverage in-store choice
- Recommendations for concrete actions and co-construction with project stakeholders
#Nudge #Mobilité #Orientation spatiale
Inciter les voyageurs à adopter des comportements différents, à bord des trains régionaux.
Pourquoi MUTATIO pour y répondre ?
Les comportements humains sont impactés par de nombreux facteurs en situation de mobilité : recherche de confort, stress du retard ou de ne pouvoir descendre à quai dans les temps, tensions en situation de forte affluence etc. Les sciences comportementales permettent d'influencer positivement, ,sans contraindre, pour prévenir des comportements nuisibles au collectif.
Ce qui a été mis en oeuvre
- Observations réalisées in situ, interviews & Learning Expédition
- Identification des biais et des nudges capables de faire levier sur les comportements
- Aide au déploiement et mesure de l'efficacité grâce à une phase d'expérimentation
#Nudge #Recycling #Packaging
The challenge
Make known and promote a know-how unique in the world in terms of recycling, in a context of heavy congestion on this same theme.
Why MUTATIO to answer it?
The end of life of consumer products is an extremely publicized topic. In this context, the addition of a logo or an additional mention on the packaging, in order to communicate on the subject, requires too much effort from the user's point of view. How to capture his attention and make him react to a new technology despite the current clutter in terms of signage, messages and injunctions?
What has been implemented
- Observations made in situ, immersed in the place of sale
- Identification of biases and nudges capable of generating the required salience and immediacy
- Recommendations for concrete actions and co-construction with project stakeholders
#Strategy #SME #B2B
The challenge
Help SMEs to grasp the issues related to the ecological transition as a business and identify ways to take concrete action and sustain it over time.
Why MUTATIO to answer it?
The vast majority of business decision-makers are now aware of the impact of private actors on climate and energy issues. Whether it's mobility, energy consumption or respect for biodiversity, depending on the sector, solutions exist. But how to raise awareness and convince without coercing? Above all, how to ensure that good deeds survive the weight of habits and the culture of individualism?
What has been implemented
- Interviews in the form of semi-structured interviews with business decision-makers.
- Identification of the factors of change and concrete and embodied courses of action.
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